• This manual implements policy, assigns responsibilities, and provides procedures for managing the DoD Military Decorations and Awards Program. • This volume provides detailed information, and procedures for preparing and submitting DoD Joint personal military decorations (PMDs) and awards, including: o Defense Distinguished Service Medal (DDSM). These specification manuals contain detailed specifications for quality measures used in Joint Commission accreditation and certification programs. Reservists who receive unit awards as civilians are not eligible to wear ribbon bars on their uniform. b. Joint Military Unit Award (JMUA): (1) Under Department of Defense policy, personnel must be assigned and/or attached by “official orders” to the cited joint unit or task force receiving the JMUA, either as an individual or member of.
o Clarifies guidance on duplication of awards (para 1 – 1 9). o Updates guidance and procedures for revocation of awards, badges, and tabs (paras 1–30, 1–31, and 1–32). o Incorporates Army Directive – 27 (Army Instructor Badges and Personnel Development Skill Identifiers for. criteria for DoD-wide PMDs and DoD Joint Decorations and Awards are specified in Volumes 1, 3, and 4 of DoD Manual (DoDM) (2) Will be recognized with the applicable DoD-wide campaign, expeditionary, or service (CES) medal for qualifying service in military campaigns, expeditions, or other. • This manual implements policy, assigns responsibilities, and provides procedures for managing the DoD Military Decorations and Awards Program. • This volume provides detailed information, and procedures for preparing and submitting DoD Joint personal military decorations (PMDs) and awards, including: o Defense Distinguished Service Medal (DDSM).
Vol 1 Medal Of Honor, Vol 2 Manual Of Military Decorations And Awards: DoD Service Awards Campaign, Expeditionary, And Service Medals, Vol 3 DoD-Wide. Operations Manual approved by the IEEE Board of Directors through the AB JOINT AWARDS WITH NATIONAL SOCIETIES COMMITTEE (AB JANSC). 4 nov Manual of Military Decorations and Awards: General Information,. Medal of Honor, and Defense/Joint Decorations and Awards.