Steam Scru b b er¨ F laskSc ru bb er¨ Glasswar e W ashers Models Series Series Series Series Series 4 Series UserÕs Manual LABCONCO CORPORA TIONFile Size: 2MB. Discontinued. FlaskScrubber Glassware Washers are designed to wash and dry narrow-neck and general purpose labware. Their lower spindle rack holds up to 36 pieces of narrow-neck glassware such as volumetric flasks. Water and detergent are pumped through the spindles to reach the innermost areas of your glassware. Newly redesigned Labconco FlaskScrubber and SteamScrubber glassware washers are more versatile than ever, and feature the powerful CleanWorks Operating System. Unique features make them powerful enough to clean up after your most challenging lab applications, with rich data capabilities for even the most rigorous analytical labs.
Labconco Corporation Prospect Avenue Kansas City, MO , FAX E-MAIL HOME PAGE Glassware Washer Service/Technical Manual. UserÕs Manual LABCONCO CORPORA TION PROSPECT AVENUE KANSAS CITY, MO , FAX E-MAIL Newly redesigned Labconco FlaskScrubber and SteamScrubber glassware washers are more versatile than ever, and feature the powerful CleanWorks Operating System. Unique features make them powerful enough to clean up after your most challenging lab applications, with rich data capabilities for even the most rigorous analytical labs.
SteamScrubber® FlaskScrubber® Glassware Washers carry a two-year Installation instructions for the cabinet (Labconco P/N ) are attached. 2 Labconco SteamScrubber, FlaskScrubber, and FlaskScrubber Vantage Model Glassware Washers Table of Contents Introductory Notes i Labconco Service Support. Washers provide thorough, efficient, and economical cleaning that meets demanding laboratory standards Shop Labconco™ FlaskScrubber™ Glassware Washer at.