A319 a320 a321 system manual

A/A/A/A FLIGHT CREW TRAINING MANUAL PRELIMINARY PAGES LIST OF EFFECTIVE OPERATIONS ENGINEERING BULLETIN M Identification T(1) E(2) Rev. Date Title (1) Ecam Importance Type (2) Documentary Unit Impacted by Ecam No Operations Engineering Bulletin FCA A/A/A/A FLEET PLP-LEOEB. P 1/2 FCTM 08 JUL American Airlines Airbus A, A, A Notes 8 Systems Note: pb stands for pushbutton (NOT peanut butter!) and there are lots of ‘em! Operating Manual will be abbreviated OMFile Size: 1MB. A/A/A flight deck – sidestick operation zMoving the sidestick results in “setting the aircraft trajectory” with a certain level of “g” for the requested manoeuvre depending on the amount of sidestick movement. zMovement is very precise since back lash and friction are negligible. zControl of the flight path is performed by the.

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